

High-Precision Factory Floor Repair

High-precision factory floor structural repair work

Deepening Box Culvert Structure

First deepening of box culvert structure done in Taiwan.

Raft Base Area Gushing Water Treatment

Sealing off groundwater using hot bitumen raft foundation

Kouhu Drainage Dyke Gushing Water Seepage

Kouhu drainage dyke gushing water treatmentGrouting used to seal off the tidal water flow under the embankment.

Deep Excavation Gushing Water Grouting

Hot bitumen was used to seal off the gushing groundwater in the deep excavation. (Before and after comparison)

Taipei MRT Neihu Line Box Culvert Improvement Works

Taipei MRT Neihu Line CB423 section works – Gangqian Road old box culvert floor improvementNeihu Line CB423 section works toward the east from Neihu Road newly constructed box culvert to Gangqian Road intersection and the junction with the original old box culvert.From the convergence point along Gangqian Road to the south for about 50 meters,

Longxing Tunnel Project

This scope of the project included Shizitou sewage pumping station outlet to the Longxing tunnel entrance steel manifold and the Longxing tunnel section structural repair and geological improvement above the tunnel.As the operation in Longxing tunnel was carried out in water, and the daily construction periods were affected by the water level, the working environment